Audiometric Testing

Lost production time can be critical to your organization. We bring our mobile hearing testing units to your facility or field operation.
A test is normally completed every 15 – 20 minutes minimizing employee downtime resulting in a cost-effective delivery of this core service.
Hearing testing is the only way to monitor the effectiveness of your hearing protection program. These hearing tests can spot noise induced and other types of hearing loss long before the patient becomes aware of it, ensuring that corrective follow up action can be taken at the earliest possible stage. The tests can also help identify possible cases of non-compliance with regards to hearing safety protocols. For these reasons, hearing testing should be conducted on an annual basis.
Hearing tests are conducted by Certified Audiometric Technicians under the direction of our Medical Director. Our certified audiometric technicians will provide the employee with the hearing testing results and recommendations for preserving their hearing at home and on the job. Management is provided with a comprehensive summary report that enables them to spot problem departments, track trends and achieve targets for success.