Respiratory Protection

This course is designed for anyone entering into confined spaces or working in conditions that have the potential for inhaling harmful airborne contaminants.
As an add-on to this course, PortaCount, quantitative fit testing is available.
Classroom Training Content
- How to select the proper respirators for a particular hazard;
- When & how to use respirators in routine work activities, infrequent activities, & foreseeable emergencies such as spill response, rescue or escape situations;
- How respirator fit-testing is done;
- How respirators in use should be cleaned, stored, inspected & repaired or discarded;
- How to ensure sufficient high purity air is provided for air-supplied respirators (if you use them);
- How employees are to be trained about respiratory hazards at your workplace;
- Train on the proper use of the respirators used at your workplace;
- How you evaluate the effectiveness of your respiratory program
After successful completion of this course:
- Legislated requirements for confined space entry will be met
- Participants will be able to apply the principles learned
- How to recognize potential hazardous situations
- Confined Space rescue procedures
Duration & Location
Program includes both a theory and hands-on segment and may be conducted on-site at your facility or an off-site training location.
Program Includes
- Written examination
- Record of training report to employer
- Individual wallet certificates upon successful completion of course