Wilderness & Remote First Aid

Basic level of Wilderness & Remote First Aid that covers material in Standard First Aid & CPR, plus special material on techniques for wilderness and remote areas. Course also offers strategies for providing extended care for up to 24 hours. Part of the course is taught in an outdoor setting and requires greater physical activity and endurance than typical first aid training. Suitable for those who work or live in remote locations or who are outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
Red Cross Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor, Advanced Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor or Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor Trainer
100% attendance, skills demonstration, and 75% min. passing grade on written exam
3-year certification in Wilderness & Remote First Aid, CPR Level C, and AED
8–10 hours; includes CPR Level C
Course Content
- Planning
- Your health
- Assessment
- Airway emergencies
- Breathing and circulation emergencies
- Cardiac and respiratory arrest (includes CPR-C)
- Wound care
- Head and spine injuries
- Bone, muscle and joint injuries
- Sudden medical emergencies
- Environmental emergencies
- Poisons
- Extended care
- Evacuation: transporting the ill or injured person
Includes any other content required by specific legislation
Take-Home Materials
Wilderness & Remote First Aid Field Guide
Certification card and optional wall certificate (or as required by legislation
*Please Note that currently this course is only available to groups of 15 or more.